Heart of Gold

Harborlites Chorus Logo


Dear Friends,

More than anything, we wish you peace. We know that music brings peace and healing, and for that we are so grateful. And the Harborlites Chorus is certainly grateful for the love and support you so generously give. Your support allows us to create wonderful music and share our harmony and dreams with the world.

It feels so great to be singing in person again, learning and sharing song. After a three year pause, we were able to resume our annual Diva Day event in February this year in which 160 students experienced the incomparable joy of barbershop. The chorus started the year where we left off: honing our skills and preparing for a return to live and in person regional competition. We not only won, we earned a huge score of 734 with 62 members on the risers. We continue to build our skills and our membership as we head toward Sweet Adelines International competition in Kansas City, Missouri next year.

As you would expect, our calendar is full of coaching dates, including a long-awaited retreat next August. We look forward to performing our repertoire for you in our annual Fall show, date and location to be determined.
We are reinstating formerly used fundraisers and creatively designing new ones. As part of this effort, we ask that you please consider continuing your support. Your tax-deductible donation will make a positive difference to Harborlites as well as those with whom we share our music.

Donate via PayPal –>

In Harmony,

Catherine Berriz, President
Harborlites Chorus

from harborlites

Harborlites Chorus is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID number 95-6100530. Contributions are deductible per IRS guidelines.

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Written bykatshaver

May 25, 2024