Director Pam Pieson

The Director is the heart and soul of any musical organization and Harborlites shines under the leadership of our own world-class Director.

Pam’s exposure to barbershop music began when she was a young girl, listening to her mother, Dottie Pieson, perform with the Sweet Adelines. Pam became a Sweet Adeline herself in 1982 when she joined the Cities of Harmony Chorus and, several years later, transferred her membership to the Harborlites Chorus to sing under the direction of Bonnie McKibben. As a member of Harborlites, she served on the Board of Directors, as lead section leader, and chairman of the Music Committee.  When the Harborlites Chorus was looking for a gifted director, they did not have to look farther than their own risers to find a world-class talent.

In the ensuing years, under Pam’s leadership, Harborlites has made a steady rise from regional medalist chorus to International Wild Card chorus competitor and finalist. Since 2004, Harborlites has earned a top three medal every time the chorus has competed at International. Harborlites took home its first International Championship in Indianapolis in 2005 and returned to the international stage to claim the 2008 International gold medal in Calgary.

The dynamic and multi-talented Pam Pieson has served as the director of the Harborlites Chorus since 1993.

In recognition of Pam’s success, she has earned Sweet Adelines International’s Master Director 700 certification, a level of excellence only achieved by a handful of directors worldwide.

Pam’s passionate direction, creativity, and unrelenting focus on musical excellence have been the foundation for the chorus’ success. Under her influence, the Harborlites Chorus continues to attract skilled musicians and performers looking to learn and grow.

Prior to becoming an international champion director, Pam was already famous in the world of barbershop as the lead of Panache, the 1990 International Champion Quartet. Pam’s superb vocal artistry was instrumental in Panache capturing the championship and the performance of their signature song, “Sweet Adeline,” is still considered one of the watershed moments in the history of barbershop competition.

As a member of Panache, Pam toured the United States performing on shows from coast to coast. The group recorded four CDs and, notably, performed for President Reagan’s 80th birthday party. In the years following the retirement of Panache, Pam has competed in several regional champion and international finalist quartets.

As one might expect, Pam is a sought-after coach for quartets and choruses. She also works to instill the love of barbershop in young women — just as her mother shared it with her — by leading the Harborlites Chorus community outreach project “Diva Day.”

In addition to her love of singing, Pam is an avid sports fan and enjoys spending time with her close-knit family.

Whether serving as director, quartet member, soloist, coach, or leader, Pam always brings her talents, her competitive spirit, and her heart…and never fails to inspire.