
Harborlites: always learning, always seeking to improve

Musical education is an important part of Harborlites’ mission and we are focused on helping each and every member improve her singing and performance skills through classes, coaching, or individual instruction.

The Harborlites educational program is made up of three major components: Vocal Gold, Visual Gold, and Individual Instruction.


Vocal Gold offers comprehensive vocal instruction to every member of the chorus. It is designed to ensure that all members:

  • Understand the basics of proper vocal production
  • Sing consistently with correct and healthy vocal technique
  • Sing, as a chorus, with uniform vocal technique
  • Speak a common language with regard to vocal production and technique

Vocal Gold Workshops are held periodically throughout the year and offer instruction in areas including the physiology of singing, breath support, resonance, phonation, and articulation.

The focus of the first 30 minutes of a Harborlites rehearsal is vocal skill building, reinforcing the basics of Vocal Gold as well as introducing more advanced techniques.

Vocal Gold serves as a key component to Harborlites’ quest for competitive success and musical excellence.


Just as Vocal Gold focuses on teaching Harborlites members how to improve their vocal performance, Visual Gold  provides the tools each member needs to become the very best performer she can be. Visual Gold is designed to ensure all members:

  • Understand the basics of showmanship
  • Build visual self-awareness
  • Learn the psychology of competition and the importance of mental as well as physical preparation
  • Speak a common language with regard to visual technique

The Visual Gold Workshops are held periodically throughout the year and offer instruction in areas including techniques for learning choreography, performance logistics, whole-body singing, and performance preparation.

Our Visual Gold programs help every member of Harborlites communicate the excitement, passion, and message of our musical product to our audience.


A cornerstone of the Harborlites educational program is the opportunity for each member to receive ongoing and individual instruction to make sure every singer has the skills to perform her best.

Individual vocal instruction is offered to members outside of traditional chorus time, allowing for personalized evaluation and coaching from skilled voice instructors.

One-on-one and small group personal instruction is available from the Harborlites visual team for members wishing to improve their on-stage communication, performance, or dance skills. Learning videos are available for Harborlites members wishing to work individually outside of traditional rehearsal time and performance-related classes, including stage hair and stage makeup, are held periodically.